Seto brewery CO.,LTD.


Rich taste of rice wine comes from the history of 200 years. Good quality of rice and pure water is a life of our sake. And, our traditional sake making method is always with the quality. The flavor of our sake is luxurious sweet.


Dainginjo Azumacho sake rice wine Houmon Azumacho sake rice wine keimon Azumacho sake rice wine
NAME: Dainginjo Azumacho NAME: Houmon Azumacho NAME: Keimon Azumacho
Price: $60.00 Price: $45.00 Price: $45.00
Kinmon Azumacho sake rice wine Ginmon Azumacho sake rice wine Hiyaoroshi Azumacho sake rice wine
NAME: Kinmon Azumacho NAME: Ginmon Azumacho NAME: Hiyaoroshi Azumacho
Price: $45.00 Price: $40.00 Prce: $39.00
Tokusen Azumacho sake rice wine Siboritate Azumacho sake rice wine Sirakiku sake Azumacho
NAME: Tokusen Azumacho NAME: Shiboritate Azumacho NAME: Shiragiku
Price: $42.00 Price: $46.00 Price: $44.00